Our summer newsletter ("The Ingress") covers Uranus in Aries with articles by four local astrologers:
"Uranus in Aries: A Who's Who, What's What and That Was the Week that Was" by John Marchsella talks about many notable people who were born with Uranus in Aries, such as Cesar Chavez, Elizabeth Taylor and Neil Armstrong.
"Uranus in Aries: Time for a Change" by Anne Ortelee talks about the transits of Uranus through the houses and what this coming period could mean for you. Read the full article here!
"The Enlightened Warrior: Uranus in Aries" by Antot Masuka talks about Uranus in tropical and sidereal Aries, covering the mundane aspects and offering a wealth of predictions on the economy and politics.
"The Foolish Emperor" by Stephen Fleming looks at the Tarot cards associated with Uranus and Aries (The Fool and The Emperor), and offers some predictions based on this imagery.
If you are a New York chapter member of NCGR, you should have already received your newsletter in the mail (find out about membership here: http://astrologynyc.org/ncgr-membership.html)
If you are not a member, you can purchase individual issues of "The Ingress" for $5.00 each or a yearly subscription for $20.00. Contact editor@astrologynyc.org for more information.