It has long been known that charts of people still respond to transits and progressions long after the person dies. This is especially true for the famous who lead very event oriented lives in full public view.
On Wednesday, December 7, 2011 at 10am, Doyle New York will auction property from the estate of one of the biggest stars of Hollywood's Golden Age, Joan Crawford. This historic auction offers film memorabilia, MGM Studios contracts and correspondence, publicity stills, jewelry and a selection of luxurious fur coats and wraps. The items have descended in Ms. Crawford's family and are now being offered at auction to her fans worldwide. The items being auctioned were left to one of Ms. Crawford’s younger daughters, not Christina.
Joan Crawford’s birth information: March 23, 1903, 10:00 pm, San Antonio, Texas
Crawford has Scorpio rising with the ruler of the chart Pluto stationed at 17° Gemini in the 8th house. This is an intuitive woman used to dealing with reserves of power, a born negotiator who can be ruthless and has an inherent sense of reinventing herself after traumatic events that take her to hell and back. The phoenix rising from the ashes is a story that is not unfamiliar to Joan Crawford. She has the charismatic power of these placements and people either love or hate her. There is very little middle ground with her. She possesses that all or nothing quality of Scorpio, Pluto and the 8th house. Her career spanned 50 years and she is still a force to be reckoned with. Death has not eclipsed her fame but instead as enhanced it in an odd way as the legend refuses to let go; her mythology continually growing and morphing as time goes by.
Her Sun is at 2° Aries, posited in the 5th house and rules the Midheaven. Her identity is closely linked with her reputation, career, creative self expression and children. That Sun has been under tremendous transits over the past few years. Pluto from Capricorn has transformed her reputation, Saturn from Libra has been re-building it and Uranus in Aries is currently enlightening the public and giving us a new bird’s eye view as to who she really is. Uranus provides a more democratic assessment of her career, identity, talents and accomplishments rather than just viewing her as the monster gorgon that her eldest daughter would like us to believe. In the past year her progressed Sun has entered the 9th house which is a rebirth into the light and seeks a clearer truth and understanding of her identity after at least 30 years buried in the dark and mysterious underground of the 8th where no one knows what the real truth is.
The auction is occurring within days of a Lunar Eclipse at 18° Gemini which is conjunct her natal 8th house Pluto. It also takes place on Uranus station direct conjunct her natal Sun. Uranus rules her very tight Moon/Saturn conjunction in Aquarius. Also, her progressed Moon at 29.39 Capricorn is screaming out in that very anoretic degree way something about her reputation before entering Aquarius giving her a progressed lunar return. Progressed Mercury which rules the 8th house of death, inheritance, money having to do with estates and wills is conjunct natal Neptune at 0° Cancer on the world axis. Neptune rules her natal 5th. Transiting Mercury is retrograde which harkens to something from the past. So it is all meant to come to light right now. And let’s not forget the Solar Eclipse at 2° Sagittarius which took place on November 25 is in exact trine to her natal Sun.
This morning I just watched a video clip of an interview with Michael Hazanavicius and Berenice Bejo director and leading lady of the new hit movie The Artist which has been garnering great reviews and winning numerous awards including Best Picture from the New York Film Critics Circle. In the interview Ms. Bejo says that Joan Crawford, especially in her silent movies, when she was young, warm and full of energy was an inspiration to her when preparing for her role in the current film. Further proof that current astrological transits and progressions to Crawford’s chart are symbolic of reevaluating and resurrecting her reputation as the public is asked once again to reassess this very powerful and complicated woman. Gone, but not forgotten.
Joseph Addeo