Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Schwarzenegger, Shriver, Scorpio, Secrets and Skeletons by Joseph Addeo

On May 9, 2011 Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver announced their separation after 25 years of marriage. There was much speculation but most every one, the media included, seems to have believed it was a mutual parting of the ways that inevitably happens to many couples after a long and fruitful marriage. Then along comes the Scorpio full moon, long known to be one of the most emotionally volatile of the year and in the case of Arnold and Maria quite living up to its notorious reputation for releasing long hidden secrets and skeletons that have been buried deep in the recesses of the past.

The Scorpio full moon occurred this morning, May 17 at 7:09 EDT ushering in a summer eclipse season including two solar and one lunar. Shortly after I turned on the Today show to the stunning news that Arnold Schwarzenegger had fathered a child with a long term member of their household staff more than a decade ago, before taking office as the Governor of California; undoubtedly one of the main reasons for the marital split. The as of yet unidentified woman worked for the Schwarzenegger's more than 20 years and had told people that her then husband had fathered the child. Clearly she and Arnold were most likely the only two people to know about this secret and obviously kept their lips zipped. Being a household staffer for 20 years she must have held many close confidences with Maria Shriver making this shocking revelation doubly devastating to her. Talk about the sting of Scorpionic betrayal, deception and rage and the issues of trust that have been breached. That it all was revealed on the morning of the full moon almost to the minute of culmination is astrologically fascinating.

Via Lois Rodden Schwarzenegger’s birth info is: July 30, 1947, 4:10 am, Graz, Austria.

Lo and behold, the full moon occurs in Arnold’s 5th house conjunct the south node: The Bastard Child is revealed! The nodal axis in Taurus/Scorpio reveals a very karmic and fated event from his sexual past indicating a secret romance and child. Surely money is involved. Progressed Jupiter conjuncts this degree adding to the overwhelming and excessive quality of the whole story as well as the Zeus like behavior of Arnold planting his seed wherever he deems fit. The less desirable, philandering qualities of this god with which Arnold identifies must be accounted for. Natally he also has Chiron in Scorpio in the 5th house squaring his Leo Sun which I’m sure has prayed on his mind all these years about the secret child and romance. Now, with the secret revealed, the chronic pain of these deeds to himself and others forces him to live with this for the rest of his life.

Transiting Saturn in his 4th house conjuncts Neptune indicating an end to his dream life as the foundations of his home and family are dissolving from the sold ground on which they seemingly were built. The upcoming solar eclipse at 11° Gemini occurs in the 12th house of hidden secrets and the lunar eclipse at 24° Sagittarius opposes his natal Uranus in the 12th at 24° Gemini (closely conjunct natal Mars at 20° Gemini). Uranus rules his natal 8th house. So do you think there will be more shocking news to be revealed? You can count on it. And will Arnold be up for the fight – Mars ensures that as well although in the 12th house Mars is unconscious and heavily shamed once he is revealed for his uncontrolled behavior.

The 2nd solar eclipse this summer on July 1 is at 9° Cancer, once again in Arnold’s 12th house and this one squares 4th house Neptune tightly. Again highlighting the dissolve of his home and family as well as his reputation since Pisces rules the midheaven.

But even bigger than all the above is what is happening to progressed Uranus. Remember this is the planet that resides in the 12th, is being hit by the upcoming eclipses both by house and degree and rules the 8th. Uranus is stationing retrograde all year at 26° 10’ of Gemini and turns retrograde on March 1, 2012. In mythology Uranus imprisoned many of his children in Tartarus. Gaia, possessed by a mother’s rage, then persuaded one of those children, Saturn/Cronus, to rise up and castrate him with a sickle. The seed from the dying sky god spilled forth producing the terrifying goddesses of vengeance called the Furies, but it also gave birth to Aphrodite/Venus, the goddess of love.

I haven’t even begun to delve into Maria Shriver’s chart which is astounding for the current astrological bombardment. Just let it be said that she has 26° Taurus rising, is a Scorpio with Saturn at 22° of Scorpio, natal Uranus conjunct the IC opposing Chiron conjunct the MC along with a packed 6th house (which represents the hidden secrets of her husband) and many other significators that I won’t go into right now. It will be most enlightening to see how this myth plays out with Arnold, Maria and all the others involved as Uranus is so prominently aroused in his chart. Hasta la vista, Baby!

Joseph Addeo

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