Believe it or not it has been 29 years since Meryl Streep last won an Academy Award. The public is under the impression that because Ms. Streep has been nominated 18 times, more than any other actor in history, that she must have won numerous Oscars. Not so. While she has won countless other awards she has only won two Academy Awards and only one in the Best Actress category for her stunning performance in Sophie’s Choice back in 1983! Before that she won in the supporting category for Kramer vs. Kramer in 1979.
Meryl Streep Birth Information:
June 22, 1949, 8:05 am, Summit, New Jersey
The Oscar Broadcast is on February 26, 2012
Why, astrologically speaking, is it her time once again to win? There are several reasons. First off she is having the Saturn return of her last win 29 years ago. On the 2nd return to its transiting position there is usually a repeat of something to do with career, status and reputation that occurred the first time. In this case the Oscar victory. The return is in the 4th house so she is laying the foundation for another 29-30 year cycle. I venture to say this new cycle establishes her as the Grand Doyenne of modern American cinema. Her natal Sun/Uranus conjunction on the cusp of the 12th keeps her connected to the past and its nurturing traditions while remaining innovative with an eye firmly fixed on the future.
In looking to the past to repeat itself she is having an exact progressed new moon cycle at 0° Virgo. When she won her Oscar for Sophie's Choice she had a progressed new moon at 2° Leo conjunct her Ascendant. I would label this progression on the ascendant as “A Star is Born". This major career cycle is being repeated in the 2nd house conjunct natal Saturn and sextile natal Sun/Uranus at 0° Cancer. Now the symbolism is about endurance, establishing security and stresses the importance of receiving the pay off for all her hard work of the past 30 years. A double emphasis is placed on this cycle as well with Solar Arc Sun/Uranus conjunct the progressed new moon and natal Saturn.
Solar Arc Jupiter (planet of good luck and the handle of her bucket chart) at 0° Aries sits on natal Sun/Uranus on the world axis.
Lucky Transits
Transiting Jupiter is conjunct natal Moon in Taurus in the 10th house indicating something lucky for her reputation and status having to do with career. The moon in the 10th is a career planet. The night of the broadcast transiting Luna is in Taurus.
Transiting Venus is conjunct her MC and North Node and traditionally the transit of Venus to this high point in the chart (in this case emphasized by the North Node) is usually a day of victory. Julia Roberts had the same transit the year she won for Erin Brockovich. The day Ms. Streep won her Oscar for Sophie’s Choice transiting Sun was conjunct her MC so Venus is echoing this transit.
Transiting Uranus trines her Ascendant and considering that she is born on an extremely tight Sun/Uranus conjunction with Uranus ruling her powerful Jupiter this should bring something exciting to her personally.
Transiting Neptune just entered 0° Pisces and makes a tight trine to her natal Sun/Uranus conjunction as well as opposes natal Saturn. On her Sophie’s Choice win Neptune was opposing Sun/Uranus and trining Saturn.
Mars is retrograde, in her 2nd house and it rules her MC - so they'll honor someone from the past for repeat recognition.
And last but not least the transiting Nodes are on her Ascendant/MidHeaven midpoint indicating a fated event and connection which establishes and entrenches her position in the world.
Yes, the astrology is very strong for a win but let’s face it, Meryl Streep is our greatest living actress and she just plain deserves it!
By Joseph Addeo
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