Thursday, January 6, 2011

"The Ingress" Winter 2010: Neptune in Pisces

Our winter newsletter ("The Ingress") is focused on the topic of NEPTUNE IN PISCES and includes articles by six local astrologers:

In his article "Surrendering to the Vast Innerworld", Rafael Nasser looks back at Neptune’s origins, and then imagines what life will be like in 2026, when it's all over. You can read his article online here:

Ann Barone also shared her wisdom on Neptune in the article "The Duality of Neptune in Pisces" based on her many experiences with the planet's double-bodied effects.

Monty Renov provided a detailed analysis of the Neptune Ingress, especially in terms of how it relates to the chart of the USA. His article was called "As Neptune Waits in the Wings".

Donna McGarry contributed again to our newsletter, discussing how Neptune in Pisces might affect our media watching habits. Her article "Falling Down the Tubes with Neptune" plays particular emphasis on the rise of reality TV and how this entertainment trend might develop.

John Marchesella wrote a tribute to Pat Morimondo, a longtime NCGR-NYC member who recently passed away and was noted for her contributions to astrological research and for her classic book The Neptune Effect.

Finally, Pattie Canova delved once more into the rich imagery of the Tarot to bring us new perspectives on Neptune and Pisces in her article "To Sleep, Perchance to Dream...".

If you are a New York chapter member of NCGR, you should have already received your newsletter in the mail (find out about membership here:

If you are not a member, you can purchase individual issues of "The Ingress" for $5.00 each or a yearly subscription for $20.00. Contact for more information.

Stephen Fleming
Editor, The Ingress

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